Internal Family Systems Therapy in Melbourne
“Internal Family Systems is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model of psychotherapy. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Our inner parts contain valuable qualities and our core Self knows how to heal, allowing us to become integrated and whole. In IFS all parts are welcome.
IFS is a movement. A new, empowering paradigm for understanding and harmonizing the mind and, thereby, larger human systems. One that can help people heal and helps the world become a more compassionate place.” (from IFS institute website; for more info watch IFS Founder Dick Schwartz give an overview of the model here!)
- What to expect in an IFS Therapy Session with Lucine
Just as all therapeutic process, IFS is a process, and takes place over a series of sessions. Many clients work with a variety of different “Parts” and consider this as an ongoing commitment. Some people come with the clarity to work with a particular theme that is current to their lives and commit to a series sessions to explore the Parts involved with that theme, and others just come with the curiosity to understand themselves more deeply. This will be clarified during our initial session together.
The sessions begin with an initial intake Vision form, asking you how you would ideally like to feel as a result of these sessions. IFS sessions require you to get still and “go inward” in order to tune into parts of yourself that aren’t always verbal, so our processes relies on somatic attunement as well as words. Lucine is currently training in Somatic IFS which is a specialised area of IFS for working with non-verbal or even pre-verbal parts.
For next steps you can book an initial session here, or if you still have further questions or want to find out if we are a good fit, you can book a free 20 minute check in session here. The pricing of IFS sessions are listed in the booking system, based on a 75 minute sessions; please note until December 2024 Lucine is based in the USA doing ongoing IFS training, in that period sessions are held via zoom. Most clients prefer using the packages available here, which offer a discount of up to 10% less than booking sessions individually.
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